Newman Center Bible Study

Newman Center Bible Study Spring 2024

The Bible study this semester will be a video series on the book of Revelation by Catholic Bible
scholar, Jeff Cavins. It is part of The Great Adventure series produced by Ascension Press.
These videos provide a Catholic understanding this mysterious book, which takes into account: its original audience and the historical challenges these early Christians were facing, a “pulling back of the veil” (the definition of apokalypsis) revealing the great drama of heaven, as well as direct links to our Catholic Mass, a key to the symbolism being used, and a look at how its message is inspiring and challenging to Christians of all times, especially those enduring great evil.
Each Wednesday evening at 7:00pm, we will: open with prayer, inviting the Holy Spirit to enlighten our understanding and help us to apply to our lives what we learn, watch the 50-minute video, have an opportunity for discussion for those who wish to ask questions or offer insights.

I am very much looking forward to sharing this time with you as the Holy Spirit guides our
Scripture study together.  Please always feel free to email me with any questions or concerns
you have.
The peace of Christ be with you!
Susan Courter

Photo of Susan Courter

St. Francis Newman Center is closed for the summer. Wishing everyone a blessed summer.